Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3rd dose of Chemo, continuing Cycle 1
Posted Feb 18, 2009 3:15pm
Last night at 7:00 they gave Travyn his 3rd dose of Chemo. It was a repeat of the night before. The VP-16 and the Cyclophosphamide. The VP-16 was an hour drip infusion. VP-16 can make the heart rate drop very low. If it drops to low they would have to stop the Chemo and give him saline through his central line to add volume to his blood. so they had to watch him very closly. We are very grateful that it went smoothly and they didn't have to stop the chemo. The Cyclophosphamide ran over an hour drip infusion as well. This kind of Chemo is very damaging to the kidneys and bladder. But like I said in my last update, they mix the Chemo with a medicine called "Mesna" which coats the bladder and protects the kidneys becuase it breaks down the cells in the bladder and can make it bleed. So they watch for blood in his urine. They give him an additional 3 doses of the Mesna after the Chemo is finished. That went very smoothly as well. No blood in urine and vitals were stable. He was talking and smiling during the infusions. Its like it wasn't phasing him at all. THATS MY FIGHTER FOR YA!! My friend Ashley gave him a Bib that says "RuFF & Tough" on it. SO I put it on him while he was getting his Chemo. The whole time he kept trying to eat the bib, it was so cute!! :) Tonight he will get another dose of Cyclophosphamide but not the VP-16. Then tomorrow he will get a different kind of Chemo called "Sisplatin" then its a wrap for his official first cycle of Chemotherapy. His blood count should be dropping pretty low, and this is the time when we need to be very carful with him and getting in contact with any germs. So extra good hand washing, possibly wearing masks, and im only letting immediate family in his room besides his nurses. Its just too scary how easily he can catch any virus or infections. I have to protect my baby the best I can. They said it can take about 3 weeks for his blood count to come back up. And once its back up they will start his next cycle of Chemo which will be alot more aggressive. So please please plese keep praying for my baby!!! If it wasn't for God and all your prayers, I really dont think I could be getting through this the way I am. I have so much faith in God and I know he is going to heal my baby.. I know Travyn will grow up and live a CANCER FREE Life, I just know it!!! My Good friend Julie, tells me to close my eyes and to actually imagine handing my sweet little boy over to God and to imagine God holding his hands and arms out to take him and hold him, comfort him and to HEAL him. I think about this everyday and it really helps me and gives me the faith not to give up hope. I imagine handing over all my stress's and worries over to God like: Family, finances, my relationship and just life it self. And when im alone I even say out loud. "Here Lord please take these". "I am giving these to you to deal with" "Im turning them over to you" somtimes Im crying and sometimes im not. But, I have turned Travyn's cancer over to the care of God so he can get rid of it. I believe if you put your confidence and faith into God. Then God will put his confidence and faith into you. And we all know how powerful and amazing that is. Trust in the lord, be obediant and love one another. Love you all very much!!!!

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